WARNING: This rant is a very emotional & jumbled up expression of my current thoughts and feelings.
Sometimes i find it incredibly hard to watch the news. Whenever i hear or learn about injustices taking place in the world something inside of me starts to burn. I am generally a very positive and optimistic person, and i always will be, but the more i hear about things such as sex trafficking, war, AIDS, human right violations and other abuses my inside seems to fire up and i get very very angry. The funny thing is my major and minor (International Relations and Peace Studies) require me to constantly read, learn and hear about various social, political and economic problems as well as general abuses to the human race. You would think that i would be used to hearing about these things but im not. Not at all.
Its funny because i think that at times my anger, passion or deep emotion is looked down upon. For example, i remember writing a research paper on injustices in Iran and I was criticized by a professor because my personal feelings were being expressed a little and this was wrong because most academic papers have to be objective. I have a big problem with this. Why must i hide my feelings and emotions when writing about something i care deeply about? When writing about a social or political issue shouldnt one be personaly invested and care about what it is they are writing? Shouldnt politicians and anyone working in policy or international relations be passionate about what they believe in and have that inspire and motivate the work they do? Why is it wrong for work to be motivated by love & compassion that we have for people? I am told constantly, especially in my IR classes that this perspective is idealistic and naive. People are selfish and thats the way they always will be. The political structure is a terrible one but be "realistic" Ayma, thats just how it is. But WHY? If we all believe that the system is flawed then how can we just accept it? Why would we just accept it? Because it is easy? Because it is too hard to believe that maybe it can be improved and we can work towards a world that is more loving, more united and more peaceful? Are we too lazy to work towards a structure that is fruitful, productive and is protective of human dignity and life?
I am so thankful that i will never be convinced that people dont have the capacity to love and work towards bettering the world. I owe it all to my parents, who raised me to FIRMLY believe that there is good in everyone and that we should always be working towards the betterment of mankind.