Friday, September 28, 2012

Perfect timing.

A few days ago something amazing happened. The timing was too perfect and it was truly a one in a million chance. Way too crazy to be simply a coincidence. It was perfect. Exactly what I needed. I was in complete awe about life and how beautiful it is. I felt incredibly lucky and blessed. It was a lovely reminder that yes- everything does happen for a reason.
  At times I set extremely high expectations for myself. I often focus alot of time and energy on the future and have always worked extremely hard towards reaching the goals I set for myself. The past year and a half have consisted of tests that are teaching me to grow out of that. To breathe, focus on the present, and to trust in myself as well as the unexpected that God has in store for me. It seems I am fearful of losing control- over my own life. And I am determined to overcome this fear and simply, breathe a little. It is time to be kinder and not so hard on myself. And to encourage and support myself just as I often do for the people around me.

Sunday, September 23, 2012

Lately: September 2012.

Today I am going to vent about all the things currently stressing me out :)

1. GRE'S! Holy moly I have about a month and a half to study and the fact that i have not taken a math class in 5 years is making me so completely frustrated! But on a positive note I am going to (hopefully) study my butt off the next few weeks. Study dates at Barnes and Nobles! Bring on the lattes!

2. Applying to schools > cost of grad schools > LOANS freak me out :)

3. On the topic of finances. I am getting married and starting a completely financially  independent life is definitely intimidating. Again > LOANS freak me out :)

4. Heading into a direction (career wise) a little different than where I thought I was headed. My background is in International Relations/ Peace Studies (conflict resolution/ human rights) and I am heading into the exciting field of Public Health. So excited yet nervous about this. My previous job/ internship opportunities were truly amazing and perfect for the path I was previous headed, and stepping foot into this new world is a little challenging.

5. Working at Starbucks has been fun but working so much has distracted me from focusing on finding opportunities in the Public Health world. But I have learnt my lesson and am starting to put less on my plate so that I can prioritize and actually devote time and energy needed to other aspects of my life. 
The main reason why this is stressful is that I am constantly being pulled in 2 directions:
       A. Making and saving money
       B. Focusing on studying/ school apps/ Pub. Health opportunities

I am learning that I need to switch from focusing on A to B.

6. I MISS MY FIANCE! Its been 3 months without him and its been tough. Luckily I get to see him, meet his family and visit his hometown of Goiania, Brazil for a month in NOV! That was another thing stressing me out. Buying my ticket to Brazil for 2-3 weeks versus a month. I am happy with my decision. Not sure when else I will have this opportunity. So excited to see his face and hug him forever! 

7. The visa process. I WANT MICHEL TO BE HERE NOW! :) Over all the process is costly and is taking longer than I had hoped.

8. Personal issues that cannot be discussed in the blog world :). They have been emotional draining but I am determined to take care of myself body and soul. 

"Joy does not simply happen to us. We have to choose joy and keep choosing it every day."


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