Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Lately: October 2012.


1. Back on the yoga train and it feels so good. I love the sense of calm and strength I feel afterwards.

2. The pitter patter sound of Honey's feet as she walks melts. my. heart.

3. Checking things off my TO-DO list = HAPPINESS.

4. Getting excited for my trip to Brazil and getting the GRE's over with. One month to go!

5. My wisdom teeth will need to be taken out soon. Yikes...

6. I have been working on being kinder to myself, and not demanding perfection in everything that I do.

7. This month is a crazy busy one and the only way I will make it through alive is by being organized, efficient and positive! Bring it on!


"You don't have a soul. You are a soul. You have a body." -C.S. Lewis

(Bahji 2011- Where my soul is at home)


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