Monday, December 31, 2012


I love love LOVE the idea of a fresh start. A new beginning.  To re-focus, re-prioritize and re-new.

This years resolutions include:

1. More prayer, meditation and yoga.

2. More patience and kindness.

3. To go for more jogs/ walks outside in the sunlight.

4. To not be so hard on myself. To be kinder to myself and not demand perfection.

5. To breathe and let it go.

6. Be productive with my time and do things that enhance my happiness and quality of life.

7. Read more.

2012 has been full of ups and challenges. Hard to believe that last year I was celebrating new years in the little flat I shared with Taraneh in Bourla, Akko.

(New Years Eve last year in Akko)

2012 highlights:

 (Serving in the most precious place in the entire world with my sister)

(Naw Ruz celebration in Haifa with joyous souls)

 (Spending my days with these beautiful beautiful people)

 (Getting engaged to the most wonderful human being)

(Going to Brazil! Being reunited with my love in his hometown. Meeting his friends and family and getting to know his world)

This year has been good to me. And I am so excited for 2013. Bring on the new year!

Tuesday, December 25, 2012

Party time.

One of the most wonderful memories from my trip to Brazil was a surprise engagement pizza party that took place one Sunday night. It was so special and really warmed my heart to know that so many people helped to make it a beautiful night. We ate, laughed, and danced (alot), and you could really feel the love in the room. Another highlight was that one of my closest friends Suyane was there, and her presence made me feel even more at home and so so grateful and blessed.

 (Dancing with my love)

 (Making some muito gostoso (very delicious) pizzas)

 (We danced to gangnam style. Twice)

 (Making a little speech)


 (I love this girl)

 (Happy faces)

 (Beautiful people)

Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Last full day in Brazil.

I leave tomorrow and cannot believe it! Ready to go back home and get back in the swing of life but leaving M yet again not knowing for how long we will be apart is not easy - not easy at all. But, it has been such a wonderful, special and meaningful trip that has reminded me once again how blessed and lucky I am - my only regret is not documenting more with pictures and writing in my journal!! 

 Sunscreen war paint at the hot springs/ water park on monday

 I cannot get enough of the deliciousness that is coconut water

 Nina and her bff

Dulce de leche stuffed churro sprinkled with nuts!!

 central market

Love my cappuccino's 

Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Goias 2012.

Hard to believe I have been here for almost 3 weeks. Time has flown by. Trying to savor every single second with the love of my life. This boy makes me so happy. I am so grateful. 

    (Our first day together after almost 5 months apart)

 (M and I at the mall! My 2nd? 3rd day?)

 (One of my favourite pictures. My love outside his house)

 (My sweet spiritual sister came to visit me from Salvador!)

(So good to be reunited with my first friend/ flat mate in Haifa :))

Friday, November 9, 2012

Brazil, here I come!

I absolutely cannot contain my excitement.  I get to see where the love of my life grew up and meet his family. I get to see him and hug him after more than 4 months apart. I also, get to be reunited with one of my soul sisters S, who I havent seen since she left Haifa and who is also now a married woman!

Other exciting happenings:

1. I took the GRE'S and am so excited to be done with it! I definitely improved and did my personal best. "Best in good. Better is best." (Quote from my new favourite book. See below.)
2. I am going to Brazil!
3. Life is good.
4. I am reading the book "The Happiness Project" and I love it so much! Happiness is a skill that I intend to keep working on!

Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Roses and votes.

I strongly believe in surrounding ourselves with beautiful things that make us smile. Waking up in the morning or spending hours on the computer getting work done is so much sweeter when accompanied by a pretty little flower. It really is the simple things in life. 

On another note: I voted today! Which was also - pretty sweet. 

Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Lately: October 2012.


1. Back on the yoga train and it feels so good. I love the sense of calm and strength I feel afterwards.

2. The pitter patter sound of Honey's feet as she walks melts. my. heart.

3. Checking things off my TO-DO list = HAPPINESS.

4. Getting excited for my trip to Brazil and getting the GRE's over with. One month to go!

5. My wisdom teeth will need to be taken out soon. Yikes...

6. I have been working on being kinder to myself, and not demanding perfection in everything that I do.

7. This month is a crazy busy one and the only way I will make it through alive is by being organized, efficient and positive! Bring it on!


"You don't have a soul. You are a soul. You have a body." -C.S. Lewis

(Bahji 2011- Where my soul is at home)

Friday, September 28, 2012

Perfect timing.

A few days ago something amazing happened. The timing was too perfect and it was truly a one in a million chance. Way too crazy to be simply a coincidence. It was perfect. Exactly what I needed. I was in complete awe about life and how beautiful it is. I felt incredibly lucky and blessed. It was a lovely reminder that yes- everything does happen for a reason.
  At times I set extremely high expectations for myself. I often focus alot of time and energy on the future and have always worked extremely hard towards reaching the goals I set for myself. The past year and a half have consisted of tests that are teaching me to grow out of that. To breathe, focus on the present, and to trust in myself as well as the unexpected that God has in store for me. It seems I am fearful of losing control- over my own life. And I am determined to overcome this fear and simply, breathe a little. It is time to be kinder and not so hard on myself. And to encourage and support myself just as I often do for the people around me.

Sunday, September 23, 2012

Lately: September 2012.

Today I am going to vent about all the things currently stressing me out :)

1. GRE'S! Holy moly I have about a month and a half to study and the fact that i have not taken a math class in 5 years is making me so completely frustrated! But on a positive note I am going to (hopefully) study my butt off the next few weeks. Study dates at Barnes and Nobles! Bring on the lattes!

2. Applying to schools > cost of grad schools > LOANS freak me out :)

3. On the topic of finances. I am getting married and starting a completely financially  independent life is definitely intimidating. Again > LOANS freak me out :)

4. Heading into a direction (career wise) a little different than where I thought I was headed. My background is in International Relations/ Peace Studies (conflict resolution/ human rights) and I am heading into the exciting field of Public Health. So excited yet nervous about this. My previous job/ internship opportunities were truly amazing and perfect for the path I was previous headed, and stepping foot into this new world is a little challenging.

5. Working at Starbucks has been fun but working so much has distracted me from focusing on finding opportunities in the Public Health world. But I have learnt my lesson and am starting to put less on my plate so that I can prioritize and actually devote time and energy needed to other aspects of my life. 
The main reason why this is stressful is that I am constantly being pulled in 2 directions:
       A. Making and saving money
       B. Focusing on studying/ school apps/ Pub. Health opportunities

I am learning that I need to switch from focusing on A to B.

6. I MISS MY FIANCE! Its been 3 months without him and its been tough. Luckily I get to see him, meet his family and visit his hometown of Goiania, Brazil for a month in NOV! That was another thing stressing me out. Buying my ticket to Brazil for 2-3 weeks versus a month. I am happy with my decision. Not sure when else I will have this opportunity. So excited to see his face and hug him forever! 

7. The visa process. I WANT MICHEL TO BE HERE NOW! :) Over all the process is costly and is taking longer than I had hoped.

8. Personal issues that cannot be discussed in the blog world :). They have been emotional draining but I am determined to take care of myself body and soul. 

"Joy does not simply happen to us. We have to choose joy and keep choosing it every day."

Friday, August 24, 2012


Lately it has been hard for me to reflect, journal or sit down and really think about how I really feel. Since I have come home I have been faced with some unexpected and difficult challenges with the people I love most in this world, as well as other personal obstacles in my life that have left me incapable of allowing myself to deal with my life. The hardest part of all of it being that my best friend, and soul mate is oceans and oceans away. I miss him. And not knowing when I will see him next breaks my heart.

Sunday, July 1, 2012


Things I am in much need of but find difficult to be/do lately:

1. More prayer. Meditation. Time to BREATHE. 
3. Focus. So many things to do and im all over the place doing bits and pieces of each. A chunk of time devoted to 1 project instead of doing everything at once.
4. Patience patience patience. So many things I cannot control. Only thing I can do is let go and practice strength. Which can be hard to do with how sensitive I can be.
5. Self-confidence. Not letting the words or opinions of others influence my perception of myself.

Saturday, June 9, 2012

Lately- 2 weeks to go.


 (Laundry room time! With my beautiful Palauan and Brazilian lovies)

 (Bahji 3am)

 (Walking to M's flat from the ITC)

 (M fixing something)

 (Wonderful memories of last summer)

 (D and I came across the most beautiful looking rose!)

 (M's first attempt at pumpkin pie. I was so impressed!)

 (Sunrise as my work day begins)

(Magic sponge! And a very special mug...)

- Lately I have been on a roller-coaster of emotions. 2 weeks to go and I am excited/ sad/ excited/ sad...
-The past few weeks have taken courage. Taking risks and taking the not so easy path in order to stand up for what I believe in my heart to be just.
- The people I arrived here with are leaving this week! My heart is so full of love for these beautiful people that I feel an indescribable closeness with. Since we are all from around the world I'm not sure if /when or how I will see some of these angels again. 
- Today I am heading to the old city with S and G to go shopping at the market. I will miss this place.
- I have just discovered instagram and I am definitely a fan :)

Sunday, June 3, 2012

Haifa zoo.

Today included:
-Carrot juice from Aroma. So refreshing, delish and good for the body!
-Breakfast at my favourite cafe in Ahuza. Avocado sandwich on freshly baked bread, olives and a side salad.
-THE ZOO! I love seeing all the animals but it truly breaks my heart to see them cooped up like that.
- Almond croissants from a bakery Michel has been trying to find the past few weeks .
-Homemade soup at Michel's flat. Veggie soup w/ quinoa, potato, lentils and peppers. Nom Nom Nom.
-Lots of laughs and sunshine. I love my best friend :).

Wednesday, May 30, 2012


I have 3 weeks left in this paradise and nothing has ever felt so incredibly bittersweet. Although I am physically exhausted and ready to go home see my family, my cute little pup and SLEEP FOREVER, I know my heart will be longing to come back here for the rest of my life. The fact that 11 months have gone by completely blows my mind. On the one hand it feels like only a few weeks ago but at the same time LIFETIMES ago. I have really grown and changed so much that I can barely recognize the me that arrived in Telaviv aiport last June. What a year of unexpected gifts it has been! Although I have truly been challenged and tested and had some VERY low lows, I also experienced moments of such intense and unexplainable joy and happiness that I cant even imagine ever being able to feel again. It also amazes me that during this year of service, I met my future husband (so weird to say out loud!) when we were both living in Akko. Since November, 7 months ago, I have spent almost every day with this wonderful man and I am just left feeling so incredibly thankful and grateful. Too many blessings. 
Michel will be here until November, which means several months of being without him which I am not looking so forward to. The goodbyes will be hard but I am definitely looking forward to all the exciting new chapters of my life!

Thursday, May 24, 2012

Looking foward.

10 things I look forward to doing in the coming years:

1. Being a mother. Taking my children to the playground, reading them bed time stories, singing them to sleep, going to the farmers market with them on the weekends and teaching them to be kind and giving individuals.
2. Marrying my best friend whom I love, adore and have the utmost respect for.
3. Having a beautiful, warm and love filled home.
4. Constant dinner/ tea parties.
5. Devotionals at my home. Prayer, tea, candles and good people. The perfect evening.
6. Having a job that I am passionate about and leaves me with a sense of fulfillment when I head home at the end of the day.
7. Always being active and spending time outside in the sunshine.
8. Being in a constant state of growth. Always learning, changing and evolving.
9. Remembering all that I have been blessed with and being grateful even with times get tough.
10. Living in the moment. Making each second count.

Sunday, May 20, 2012

Oh, soul.

Oh soul,
you worry too much.
You have seen your own strength.
You have seen your own beauty.
You have seen your golden wings.
Of anything less, why do you worry?
You are in truth the soul, of the soul, of the soul. - Rumi

A month ago - Ridvan.

Spent the morning at Ridvan garden.


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