Friday, April 26, 2013

Who Moved My Cheese?!?

Recently I re-read the book Who Moved My Cheese. It is a short and cute little story that teaches a simple, yet valuable, lesson about letting go of fear, and embracing change in both your career/ business life and your personal life. It was all the rage a few years ago, and I find myself going back to it about every year or so.

It is so interesting to think about how often the biggest obstacle standing in our way is our own fears, and how we perceive and deal with change and things we are not so comfortable with. Fear of failure, of being alone, of disappointing others etc., can inhibit our personal success and stand in the way of our happiness and success.

The most wonderful thing about this predicament is that the solution lies in our own hands, as it is all a matter of perception, and that is something we can train ourselves to alter. By no means is this easy, but it all begins with a wonderful thing called reflection. Reflecting makes us aware of how we actually spend our days vs. how we WISH to spend our days, and enables us to figure out what exactly stands in the way of our own happiness and personal growth. I find that these 2 things are very related, as personal growth often leads to > happiness. The next part is figuring out what steps we can take, which although it may make us feel uncomfortable, push us to improve and reach our goals. For me personally, I  consciously force myself to do things I really do not want to do and doubt I will be good at anyways. It never ends up being as scary as I thought it would be, and the best thing is surprising yourself and learning that YOU CAN DO IT, and that the perceived fear was WAY worse than the reality anyways. So, reflection > plan of action > taking teeny risks that force us outside of our comfort zone >change! Make it happen. Take control of your life and your happiness. Because really, think of all the amazing things you would do if you weren't afraid!

(And if you ever need some encouragement, this image is sure to provide some bright sunshiney inspiration.)

Source for 2nd photo unknown - it was sent to me from a friend and is now the background on my phone :)

Friday, April 12, 2013


One thing I love about getting older is learning about myself. My strengths and weaknesses, what I truly value in life, what drives and motivates me during the day, what truly interests me other than what I think I "should" be interested in, and the list goes on an on. One little lesson I've learned is that I thrive on being busy! I crave and long for a vacation, but once it is given to me I need to be active and find things throughout the day to do to keep me from going insane. But, it is all a balancing act. Filling your days with work that challenges and motivates you, can only be sustainable if you balance it with a certain chunk of time during the day to relax, or do something mindless that brings your joy. For me this includes mugs of hot and steamy black tea w/ honey, snuggles with my little puppy, reading a book, good  conversations w/ inspiring people over soy lattes, weekend trips once in a while to DC/B-MORE/NYC since they are close by, and TONS of other wonderful things. Make sure you find a balance between working your booty off and doing thing sweet little relaxing things that bring you joy. Watching TV doesn't count. If it is hard for you to find time try penciling in your planner just 20 mins of pure FUN. Be kind to yourself and make it a priority. You deserve it. 

Few of my favorite pastimes:

(Laughs w/ beautiful people.)

 (Cozy little tea parties.)

(Honey snuggles.)

Tuesday, April 2, 2013

The life of a married couple...

Recently came across this beautiful paragraph on marriage. What a beautiful perspective on what it truly means to be married, and what I have to look forward to! 

In this glorious Cause the life of a married couple should resemble the life of the angels in heaven - a life full of joy and spiritual delight, a life of unity and concord, a friendship both mental and physical. The home should be orderly and well organized. Their ideas and thoughts should be like the rays of the sun of truth and the radiance of the brilliant starts in the heavens. Even as two birds they should warble melodies upon the branches of the tree of fellowship and harmony. They should always be elated with joy and gladness and be a source of happiness to the hearts of others. They should set an example to their fellowmen, manifest a true and sincere love towards each other and educate their children in such a manner as to blazon the fame and glory of their family.



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