Monday, February 25, 2013

Do small things...

(My Bahji. Akko, Israel.)

Do small things with great love -Mother Teresa.

Friday, February 22, 2013

Happy times.

Things are finally FINALLY happening with Michel's visa and I couldn't be more excited. Everything is feeling more real and I just can't believe the time is nearing for me to spend every single day of my life with my best friend. 

 (A very special ring and my little boy hands.)

 (This one.)

 (Happy happy times in Akko.)

(At our special cafe in Akko.)

Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Self Mastery.

(A photo I feel extremely blessed to have been able to take.)

The "master-key" to self-mastery is self-forgetting. The road to the palace of life is through the path of renunciation.  -Abdu'l-Baha 

Monday, February 11, 2013

Acts of bravery.

Currently reading a very inspiring book by Katie Couric titled, "The Best Advice I Ever Got," filled with great insights. I came across this paragraph that really spoke to me:

"Acts of bravery don't always take place on battlefields. They can take place in your heart, when you have the courage to honor your character, your intellect, your inclinations, and yes, your soul by listening to its clean, clear voice of direction instead of following the muddied messages of a timid world. So carry your courage in an easily accessible place, the way you do your cellphone or your wallet. You may still falter or fail, but you will always know that you pushed hard and aimed high. Take a leap of faith. Fear not. Courage is the ultimate career move." -Anna Quindlen

Monday, February 4, 2013

Lost Brazil Photos.

Fortunately  unfortunately for the oh so convenient iphone I hardly felt the need to lug around my actual camera during my trip to Brazil. I took a total of 17 photos with it and here are 3 of my favorites :


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