Monday, December 31, 2012


I love love LOVE the idea of a fresh start. A new beginning.  To re-focus, re-prioritize and re-new.

This years resolutions include:

1. More prayer, meditation and yoga.

2. More patience and kindness.

3. To go for more jogs/ walks outside in the sunlight.

4. To not be so hard on myself. To be kinder to myself and not demand perfection.

5. To breathe and let it go.

6. Be productive with my time and do things that enhance my happiness and quality of life.

7. Read more.

2012 has been full of ups and challenges. Hard to believe that last year I was celebrating new years in the little flat I shared with Taraneh in Bourla, Akko.

(New Years Eve last year in Akko)

2012 highlights:

 (Serving in the most precious place in the entire world with my sister)

(Naw Ruz celebration in Haifa with joyous souls)

 (Spending my days with these beautiful beautiful people)

 (Getting engaged to the most wonderful human being)

(Going to Brazil! Being reunited with my love in his hometown. Meeting his friends and family and getting to know his world)

This year has been good to me. And I am so excited for 2013. Bring on the new year!

Tuesday, December 25, 2012

Party time.

One of the most wonderful memories from my trip to Brazil was a surprise engagement pizza party that took place one Sunday night. It was so special and really warmed my heart to know that so many people helped to make it a beautiful night. We ate, laughed, and danced (alot), and you could really feel the love in the room. Another highlight was that one of my closest friends Suyane was there, and her presence made me feel even more at home and so so grateful and blessed.

 (Dancing with my love)

 (Making some muito gostoso (very delicious) pizzas)

 (We danced to gangnam style. Twice)

 (Making a little speech)


 (I love this girl)

 (Happy faces)

 (Beautiful people)

Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Last full day in Brazil.

I leave tomorrow and cannot believe it! Ready to go back home and get back in the swing of life but leaving M yet again not knowing for how long we will be apart is not easy - not easy at all. But, it has been such a wonderful, special and meaningful trip that has reminded me once again how blessed and lucky I am - my only regret is not documenting more with pictures and writing in my journal!! 

 Sunscreen war paint at the hot springs/ water park on monday

 I cannot get enough of the deliciousness that is coconut water

 Nina and her bff

Dulce de leche stuffed churro sprinkled with nuts!!

 central market

Love my cappuccino's 

Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Goias 2012.

Hard to believe I have been here for almost 3 weeks. Time has flown by. Trying to savor every single second with the love of my life. This boy makes me so happy. I am so grateful. 

    (Our first day together after almost 5 months apart)

 (M and I at the mall! My 2nd? 3rd day?)

 (One of my favourite pictures. My love outside his house)

 (My sweet spiritual sister came to visit me from Salvador!)

(So good to be reunited with my first friend/ flat mate in Haifa :))


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