Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Rant: "I cant"

I don't believe in "I cant." Never have, never will. I also don't believe in "sorry I've been busy."
Now I know there are obviously exceptions and times you really cant do something, but for the most part, i find these statements are usually just excuses.  To yourself and to me.
Now i must admit that i myself even say "i cant" often , but when i do i know im lying to myself. Truth is, I know deep down that if i wanted something bad enough, i would do whatever i needed to do it. It may be very very very very hard but it IS possible. 
If you want something, really want something, then you are never too busy for whatever it is you want to do. You can MAKE time. Prioritize. Spend less time doing other things to make room for something that is important to you.
Im not entirely sure what the point of this rant is. I guess what I mean to say is that if you tell me you cant do something, chances are i probably wont believe you. What i will think is that you don't care enough to make the effort.
I guess this might come across harsh, but its only because i truly believe you can do ANYTHING.
And when you tell me you "cant" i will take it as you don't want to because you don't care enough. 
If you truly care about something or someone you do whatever you can to make them happy, or be with them, or achieve whatever goal you truly desire.

1 comment:

  1. hey love, i am so sorry but i cant comment on the post because i am busy.



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